- The 35.6km-long Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), which crossing though Pearl River Estuary, is a world class cross-sea marine link linking Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. The […]
- Seawall Construction: The works include dredging and rockfilling for construction of over 10km sloping seawalls. A special method – underwater explosive compaction was used to eliminate […]
- This was a joint venture project between Hong Kong and Shenzhen Governments, total amounting to some 2 billion HK Dollars and lasted over 10 years.The company […]
- The company has undertaken the dredging works of about 3,000,000 cu.m of soil for regulation and widening of the Grand Canal at Shandong Jining Section.The regulated […]
- The project comprised the construction of the jetty and approach bridge, reclamation and ground treatment, construction of the embankment to reclamation area, dredging of the basin, […]
- The contract comprised construction of embankment of approximately 9.1km long, hydraulic filling work of 17.43million cu.m, reclamation of 432 hectares of land and ground improvement work […]
- The contract comprised dredging works for berthing zone of the wharves, turning basin and harbour basin (sub-channel) at Civil Product Zone.Total 6,820,000cu.m soils including 370,000cu.m hard […]